Marketing Communication
This research report is disseminated by WH Ireland Limited (“WHI”) which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (“FCA”) and is a member of the London Stock Exchange. This research report is intended for the sole use of the person for whom it is addressed and is not intended for private individuals or those classified as Retails Clients as defined by the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive 2004/39/EC (“MiFID”).
Analyst Certification
The name(s) of the Research Analyst(s) who prepared this research report appears on the front cover and hereby certifies that; 1) all of the opinions, views expressed herein accurately reflect the research analysts personal views and opinions about any and all of the subject securities and/or issuers as at the date of publication; 2) the analysis, opinions, views, projections forecasts or estimates herein have been prepared with a high degree of expertise and were in no way affected or influenced by the issuer(s); and 3) compensation was, is, or will not be, directly or indirectly, related to the specific recommendations or views expressed herein. The Research Analyst(s) benefits financially from the overall success of WHI.
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Valuation and Risks
For details relating to valuation and risks for subject issuers, please refer to the comments contained herein or in previously published research reports or sector notes.
Time and date of recommendation and financial instruments in the recommendation
The time and date when the production of this research recommendation is published is the date and time found in the header of the email carrying the research report.
Any prices stated in this document are for information purposes only, there is no representation that any transaction can or could have been effected at those prices. Different assumptions by any other source may yield substantially different results. Where a price of a financial instrument is quoted it will generally, in the absence of the contrary, be the closing mid-point price at the close of business the day before publication date.
Planned frequency of updates to recommendation
WHI does not have a schedule for issuing research recommendations, they are issued whenever the research analyst and members of the research team alone deem it relevant, but usually in the event of significant development.
Conflicts of Interest Management
WHI and its affiliates directors, employees and agents may have long or short positions, trade as principal and buy and sell in instruments or derivatives identified herein; such transactions or positions may be inconsistent with the opinions expressed in this research report.
A company covered in this research may have paid for an analyst’s reasonable expenses to visit their premises or offered modest hospitality or entertainment; further details are available on request.
It should be assumed that for the purposes of WHI’s Market Making business that it may hold, long or short, 0.5%, or more, of the subject issuer(s) of the research recommendation.
Table of Disclosures on Interests
Share Price Target
The time horizon for both recommendations and target prices is 12 months, unless otherwise stated herein.
Target prices are derived from variety of valuation methodologies, which include but are not restricted to, analysis of market risk, growth rate, revenue stream, discounted cash flow (DCF), EBITDA, EPS, cash flow (CF), free cash flow (FCF), enterprise value (EV), premium (discount)/peer group, sum of the parts, net asset value, dividend returns, and return on equity (ROE). All investment recommendations provided are subject to changes in macro-economic information, such as GDP, unemployment and inflation. Micro-economic information about the issuer such as quantitative and qualitative factors may also be taken into account.
Recommendation Definitions
Buy – Expected to outperform the FTSE All Share by 15% or more over the next 12 months.
Outperform – Expected to outperform the FTSE All Share by 5/15% over the next 12 months.
Market Perform – Expected to perform in line with the FTSE All Share over the next 12 months.
Underperform – Expected to underperform the FTSE All Share by 5/15% or more over the next 12 months.
Sell – Expected to underperform the FTSE All Share by 15% or more over the next 12 months.
Speculative Buy – The stock has considerable level of upside but there is a higher than average degree of risk.
Under Review – Represents a change to the financials and/or the recommendation pending further clarification.
Not Covered – Not under formal research coverage.
Target Price and Recommendation History
A list of recommendation changes and price target changes made by WHI and the share price at each of the respective publication dates for the past 12 months can be requested by contacting
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