Did you know we offer a specialist service designed to help mitigate Inheritance Tax (IHT)?
The service works by investing your portfolio in shares that qualify for Business Relief (BR), which is available when qualifying shares in companies listed on the Alternative Investment Market (AIM) are held for two years.
Our IHT portfolio service is a discretionary investment service that is suitable for clients who plan to mitigate or reduce their IHT liability, while maintaining control and ownership of their assets. Below is a simple illustration to demonstrate how the service saves IHT after holding the investments for 2 years.

Please note this is a basic illustration simply to highlight how the IHT saving works in death after the investment has been held for two years. It does not take account of fees payable or any markets movements over the investment period. In reality, the value of your IHT portfolio can go up or down and you may not get back the full amount invested.